Class PictFormat.Template

  extended by gnu.x11.extension.render.PictFormat.Template
Enclosing class:

public static class PictFormat.Template
extends java.lang.Object

A template for selecting PictFormat instances in Render.picture_format(gnu.x11.extension.render.PictFormat.Template, boolean).

Constructor Summary
          Creates a template with no fields set.
PictFormat.Template(PictFormat.Type type, int depth, int red_shift, int red_mask, int green_shift, int green_mask, int blue_shift, int blue_mask, int alpha_shift, int alpha_mask)
          Creates a new template for format selection.
Method Summary
 void clear()
 void set_depth(int depth)
 void set_direct(int red_shift, int red_mask, int green_shift, int green_mask, int blue_shift, int blue_mask, int alpha_shift, int alpha_mask)
 void set_type(PictFormat.Type type)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PictFormat.Template()
Creates a template with no fields set.


public PictFormat.Template(PictFormat.Type type,
                           int depth,
                           int red_shift,
                           int red_mask,
                           int green_shift,
                           int green_mask,
                           int blue_shift,
                           int blue_mask,
                           int alpha_shift,
                           int alpha_mask)
Creates a new template for format selection. The shift and mask arguments only need to be specified for direct formats (otherwise, leave them 0). Of the shifts and masks arguments, only the least 16 significant bits are used.

type - the format type
depth - the depth in bits / pixel
red_shift - the shift for the red component
red_mask - the mask for the red component
green_shift - the shift for the green component
green_mask - the mask for the green component
blue_shift - the shift for the blue component
blue_mask - the mask for the blue component
alpha_shift - the shift for the alpha component
alpha_mask - the mask for the alpha component
Method Detail


public void set_depth(int depth)


public void set_type(PictFormat.Type type)


public void set_direct(int red_shift,
                       int red_mask,
                       int green_shift,
                       int green_mask,
                       int blue_shift,
                       int blue_mask,
                       int alpha_shift,
                       int alpha_mask)


public void clear()